Workers' Compensation Issues
Tired of paying premium for injuries that aren't work related.
We all have workers' compensation insurance to protect our employees should they suffer injury or illness at work. But what happens if the claim is not legitimate?
The bottom line is, workers' compensation claims will cost you through increased premiums. Depending on the size of your business, it can impact you financially for up to 4 years. If you have a genuine concern that an injury or illness is not work related, call us quickly, we'll investigate the matter for you and provide detailed submissions, with supporting evidence, to your insurer.
If a claim is already accepted and you feel that your concerns have not been listened to, we may be able to assist you to have that decision reviewed. Whatever your situation, we'll explain your options so that you can make an informed decision about how to proceed.
There’s a lot you can do once a claim has been accepted to manage the impact on your premium. “Stay at Work” and early “Return to Work” are the keys but if not managed well, can cost you a lot more in the long run. Talk to us about loss reduction strategies that look after your best interest and that of your employees.